heart health

Straight from the mouths of cardiologists and a heart health nutritionist.
Nearly 1 in 5 people who experience a suspected mini stroke will have a full-blown stroke within 90 days. Here are the symptoms to keep an eye on.
A new study shows that drinking may increase women's risk for this potentially fatal condition.
They're high in antioxidants and can even eliminate the need to add salt and sugar.
Sausage, steak, doughnuts, bacon, and deep-fried chicken. Here's why heart experts avoid these foods.
Your birthday isn't the only thing that matters. Experts share how to figure out your "heart age" and how to keep it low.
Plant-based eating is more popular than ever, but does completely giving up animal products have more of an impact than the Mediterranean diet?
Straight from the mouths of cardiologists and a heart health nutritionist.
Don't dismiss this issue, especially if you feel like something is off.